Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Imperial War Museum

Today's trip was really interesting, we went to the Ministry of Food Exhibition - an exhibition that examines food during the Second World War. The exhibition charted the growth of food security and ensuring that food wasn't wasted. Below are some quotes that I found interesting (and some facts from the timeline that they had up):

'We all think and talk about food eternally, not because we are hungry, but because our meals are boring and expensive and difficult to come by.'
Phyllis Warner diary 1941

'During the war, the number of children having school dinners increased by 70%. The 1944 Education Act made the provision of school meals compulsory.'


Cappuccino - the first coffee bars opened in the UK in 1952

Coronation chicken - Dish created for the Coronation lunch in 1953

We've some clips from the museum on the flip cams and we'll try and download them onto the blog.


  1. Just remembered:

    There was a section of the exhibition dedicated to other countries and the transportation of food.

    Special Relations
    'Between 1941 and 1945 under the lend lease scheme, 6,194,000 tons of food was imported into the UK from the USA.'

    Winston Churchill spoke about the lend lease and said:

    'lend lease will stand as the most unselfish and unsordid financial act of any country in all history.'

  2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/imperial-war-museum/4290969236/in/set-72157622856066225/

    Have a look at some of the photos on Flickr - they are off the exhibition in its early stages

  3. 1950 - First self-service Sainsburys store opened in Croydon (another food related fact!)
