Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jungle food story.
Hi everyone and welcome to the jungle. what pictures are in your head right now when hear the word jungle holidays, Movies, tropical flowers, a wiled animals;No this is not that jungle this is closer. The jungle is a slum in Calais of France where we arrived from wars from catastrophes
and wait for a chance to get in to Britain there were handres of us no electricity, no toilets, no shower. welcome to this jungle and my special meal. I used to eat alone back home there was only my dad and he was mostly absent. I didn't go to school then the Taliban closed them. I used to enjoy cooking and eating alone and here i'm doing it again. Three or for month we've been traveling we only got dry food like bescuits, bread and plain water so we were hungry when we got to calais I was so tired that I wasn't afraid of anything. In Greece and Turkey were no many tracks but in calais there were lots of them we just went to open a lorry and stole food chicken, bread, wine and ran. we didn't care we had lost all since of what was right. we couldn't cook it that night we had no oil no pan the next night the other went off to try to get a cross the channel I was too tired I stayed I found some wood and some stones I built a fire I cut op the chicken and put it on the fire. all by myself I really enjoyed that meal because i was alone didn't have to share it my first real meal since leaving really tasty i will always remember it. i felt like i had eaten enough for the first time in month. it is not exactly my cultural food but no it is i made it i made it my culture. oh yeh; i drank the wine too got drunk. And yeh the others came back they hadn't found a track to get in to they were mad that the chicken was eaten but it was too late in the jungle thats how it is.

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